Running from terminal ##################### There is an automatic script that will obtain focus from a folder containing a focus sequence. If you have `fits` files you can simply run. ``goodman-focus`` It will run with the following defaults: .. table:: Default values for arguments ============================== ============================ =================== Argument Default Value Options ============================== ============================ =================== ``--data-path `` Current Working Directory Any valid path ``--file-pattern `` *.fits Any ``--features-model `` gaussian moffat ``--plot-results`` False True ``--debug`` False True ============================== ============================ =================== Where ```` is what you type. To get some help and a full list of options use: ``goodman-focus -h`` Using it as a library ##################### After installing :ref:`Installing with PIP` you can also import the class and instantiate it providing a set of arguments and values or using default ones. ``from goodman_focus import GoodmanFocus`` If no argument is provided it will instantiate with the default values. The list of arguments can be defined as follow: .. code-block:: python import os from goodman_focus import GoodmanFocus goodman_focus = GoodmanFocus(data_path=os.getcwd(), file_pattern='*.fits', obstype='FOCUS', features_model='gaussian', plot_results=False, debug=False) Which is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python from goodman_focus import GoodmanFocus goodman_focus = GoodmanFocus() ``features_model`` is the function or model to fit to each detected line. ``gaussian`` will use a ``Gaussian1D`` which provide more consistent results. and ``moffat`` will use a ``Moffat1D`` model which fits the profile better but is harder to control and results are less consistent than when using a gaussian. Finally you need to call the instance, here is a full example. .. code-block:: python from goodman_focus import GoodmanFocus goodman_focus = GoodmanFocus() results = goodman_focus() However since version :ref:`v0.3.0` you can pass a list of files and all will only check that all files exists Interpreting Results #################### The terminal version will print a message like this ``Mode: IM__Red__VR Best Focus: -682.2891445722862 at FWHM: 2.610853168299203`` ``Best image: 0019_IM_FOCUS_VR-02-11-2019.fits with focus: -601 and FWHM: 2.618208314784383`` .. note:: In version :ref:`v2.0.0` the format changed from the previous stable release in order to simplify the serialization process. Using it as a library will return a list of dictionaries with the following values. Combination of settings for which the code is the same is called a `mode`, so the `mode name` is it's unique identifier, how the name is constructed is explained in :ref:`decoding-mode-name`. In the following example only one object is included for simplicity. .. code-block:: python [ { "date": "2019-08-10", "time": "2019-08-10T20:06:15.884", "mode_name": "IM__Red__VR", "focus": -837.3191595797898, "fwhm": 2.5831939867345586, "best_image_name": "0062_FOCUS_IMG_VR-10-08-2019.fits", "best_image_focus": -799, "best_image_fwhm": 2.6170559494587478, "focus_data": [ -1994, -1801, -1601, -1400, -1201, -997, -799, -601, -400, -200, 1 ], "fwhm_data": [ 5.930451746635722, 5.306608292580763, 4.594963225848573, 3.555224927051857, 3.0090692421560217, 2.705695641392574, 2.6170559494587478, 2.7128327791088545, 3.02782407160001, 3.615781144676397, 4.265013680275817 ] } ] It is also possible to obtain a plot, from terminal, use ``--plot-results``. Below is a reproduction of results obtained with test data. .. plot:: from astropy.modeling import models import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt best_focus = -571.483741871 mode_name = 'IM__Red__g-SDSS' data = {'file': ['0186_focus_gp.fits', '0187_focus_gp.fits', '0188_focus_gp.fits', '0189_focus_gp.fits', '0190_focus_gp.fits', '0191_focus_gp.fits', '0192_focus_gp.fits', '0193_focus_gp.fits', '0194_focus_gp.fits', '0195_focus_gp.fits'], 'fwhm': [5.291526, 4.712950, 4.112902, 3.449884, 2.930342, 2.665300, 2.579470, 2.611492, 2.815271, 3.246117], 'focus': [-1496, -1344, -1197, -1045, -896, -745, -598, -447, -299, -148] } polynomial = models.Polynomial1D(degree=5) polynomial.c0.value = 3.93919764664 polynomial.c1.value = 0.00602356641338 polynomial.c2.value = 1.04158253e-05 polynomial.c3.value = 1.16769514e-08 polynomial.c4.value = 9.45592111846e-12 polynomial.c5.value = 2.8321431518e-15 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,7)) ax.plot(data['focus'], data['fwhm'], marker='x', label='Measured FWHM') ax.axvline(best_focus, color='k', label='Best Focus') ax.set_title("Best Focus:\n{} {:.3f}".format(mode_name, best_focus)) ax.set_xlabel("Focus Value") ax.set_ylabel("FWHM or Mean FWHM") poly_x_axis = numpy.linspace(data['focus'][0], data['focus'][-1], 1000) ax.plot(poly_x_axis, polynomial(poly_x_axis), label='Model') ax.legend(loc='best') .. _decoding-mode-name: Decoding de mode name ********************* The mode name is constructed using two letters to define the observing technique (Imaging or Spectroscopy) and values obtained from the header. The characters ``<``, ``>`` and `blanks` are removed. The mode name is different for Imaging and Spectroscopy, since for imaging the important settings are the instrument and the filter and for spectroscopy the important values come from the instrument, the grating and observing mode and filter from second filter wheel. Below, the word inside the parenthesis represents a keyword from the header. .. warning:: Be aware that the separator string is a ``double underscore``. This change was necessary to avoid confusion with single underscores used in certain keyword values. For imaging: ``IM__(INSTCONF)__(FILTER)`` for example: ``IM__Red__g-SDSS`` For spectroscopy: ``SP__(INSTCONF)__(WAVMODE)__(FILTER2)`` for example: ``SP__Red__400m2__GG455``